Lose Weight with Technology

Last Updated on by Sophie

Lose Weight with Technology

The truth is, you have no excuse for not trying to lose weight.

Latest trend is with technology or as they call it “lose weight the lazy way”, in an effort to make it easy for us to lose weight several hi-tech tools available to just achieve that.

Studies indicate that doing more exercise is not a practical way to reduce weight for most people, for example obese people with a body-mass index of 35 would need to walk for 3-4 hours every day to lower their BMI to a healthy weight.

Even though exercise is the cheapest way to lose weight, many find hard and impractical, and unless their health is at risk they won’t opt for it. Technology is giving us the option of losing weight the easy way.

With technology you can target specific area of your body and remove the fat from it, women who are tired of trying different product for cellulite removal might get the result they desire with Acoustic Wave Therapy or Ion Magnum II. Cellulite is a condition that affects 90 percent of women’s and some men.

Another body area which is difficult to trim the fat from is midsection, belly fat is not easy to get rid of and exercise is needed to see it go away.

CoolSclupting technology is promising to take your belly fat away without exercise. Laser technology is used target your hip and thighs to shape them nicely.

Expert opinion about losing weight with technology differs; some say use of technology is more for removing stubborn bulges and not for complete weight-loss, while other sees it as a way to slim down without medications or herbs.

Technology for weight loss is new even though it is approved by FDA and available in many countries around the world, as non-invasive treatment for weight loss one of its main advantage is that there is no risk of bleeding or side effects like liposuction or weight loss surgery.

Technology might help dissolving fat that is under the skin and not deeper than that.

Fat that surrounds internal organ cannot be removed with laser waves or Coolsclubting. Visceral fat that is surrounding internal organs has been linked to metabolic disturbances and increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. In women, it is also associated with breast cancer and the need for gallbladder surgery.

Technology provide a quick weight-loss fix, but might not be a permanent, you still need to watch your diet and exercise to stop gaining weight.

It is the most expensive way to lose weight after weight loss surgery, and it is available in weight-loss centers, spas and beauty centers.

Depending on the technology used the cost and number of sessions differs.

During my visit to Singapore I tried Acoustic Wave Therapy for my cellulite, I went through 10 sessions with total cost of USD5900 (AED22,000) for 15 minutes per session, and the result was pleasing but I needed to exercise to keep my skin firm or go for another therapy after few years.

Technology for weight-loss is more for shaping the body, and total fat loss is for the targeted area and not the whole body, when you read that you could lose 25% of fat with body CoolSculpting that is for the targeted area with the size of your palm and not for body total fat.

Treatment speed also is limited with CoolSclupting for example you can target one area the size of your palm in one hour session.

In theory fat tissue under the skin is targeted and hit by strong waves which will cause the fat tissue to break down or melt and passed out from the body as waste.

If you are considering slimming down with technology, it is you choose a technology that is approved by FDA and educate yourself about the process so you know what you are going through and what result you will achieve.

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