Meal Replacement Shake : Which one to use?

Last Updated on by Sophie

Meal replacement or nutritional shake mix is the most common product used today for weight management. Its easy to use, economical and very effective.

The reasons for its popularity is:

  1. It’s safe, most meal replacement products are suitable for all of us, even pregnant women or on breastfeeding, some also can be used by diabetic people.
  2. Affordable and cost per meal is lower than normal meal and with an advantage, its healthy.
  3. Produce result. It’s possible to lose weight with meal replacement and that is why it’s highly recommended by health practitioner.
  4. Easy to use and saves time.  All you need is water or milk to mix your meal replacement and its  ready in less than five minutes.
  5. With add-ons shake quality can be improved, I add one tablespoon chia seed to my shake to increase fiber content which will help me stay full longer.

It’s up to you to choose what you want to add to your shake.

Meal replacement is taken daily as main meal up to three times daily, which means your breakfast, lunch and dinner is replaced with the product you use.

For losing weight it’s recommended taking meal replacement twice per day to reduce daily calorie intake.

How to choose your meal replacement?

What makes meal shake products worth buying is what you get from it per serving from calories, protein, fat, dietary fiber and vitamins and minerals.

Since meal shakes has to be  healthy and support weight control, its content is very important.

Per serving any healthy meal replacement product should provide:

1- Calories (energy) per serving, European commission ruling is 200 to 400 calories, however there are products in the market with lower calories than 200.

On average women need 2000 calories per day and men 2500 calories. To lose weight, 1 pound per week both women and  men need to cut 500 calories daily.

If you are a female and planning to lose weight and If your shake provide you with total of 400 calories for two meals.

You will have 1100 calories to fill with one meal of your choice and snacks between meal.

2- Protein content per serving is another factor that increases the quality of the product.

Protein is very important for or body to function properly and for losing weight it helps with hunger control and weight loss.

3- Fat. Calories derived from fat should not be less than 1 grams per serving and not more than 5 grams for three meals.

4- Dietary fiber content should not be less than 10 grams per serving.

5- Vitamin and minerals. Meal shakes product must provide provide all essential vitamins and minerals.

The bottom line is that you can lose weight easily and get back in shape with just meal replacement and if you combine your shake with routine exercise you will shed fat fast.

Just make sure you choose the right meal replacement product based on your protein and carbohydrates need.

Formula1 Sale
ProductCalories per serving
Optifast 800 powder or liquid160
Isagenix Isalean240
Garden of Life Raw230
Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix170 if with water

How to calculate your daily protein need?

Multiply your body weight in kilograms by 1.2 ( 60 x 1.2=72 grams ) or 2 ( 60 x 2 = 120 grams ) if you are into sport.

The protein must be complete which means it contains 9 essential amino acids.

How to lose weight with meal replacement?

Its simple, meal replacement can be used to replace your main meal or as a healthy between meals. If the reason for your weight gain is snacking between meals and looking for easy option to have your snack and healthy too then go for meal replacement.

Most common use for meal replacement is as a healthy meal twice a day to cut more than 100 calories per meal.

You can lose weight with meal replacement, this is sure because many has done it.

Good read:
Keeping your weight under control

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