Does Alkaline Water Actually Improve Your Health?

Last Updated on by Sophie

What is alkaline water and does it really help with improving skin condition and controlling diabetes as product manufacturer claims or even curing cancer.

This is list of benefits one Korean manufacturer listed on their website about alkaline water.

  • Kills bacteria & viruses.
  • Helps heal cuts, blisters, scratches and rashes.
  • Helps heal diabetic ulcers.
  • Provide excellent relief for mosquito bites.
  • Excellent treatment for acne, eczema and skin diseases.
  • Prevent dandruff.
  • Effectively remove plague from teeth.
  • Helps heal diabetic ulcers.

It all started in South Korea when some companies thought they can increase the nutritional value of water by tweaking its taste or adding something to it for example alkalizing it to increase its marketing value and the easiest way is claiming that the product is great for our health.

For that they started making the device and with massive advertisement the market for alkaline products was created for many products such as filters, bottles and even testing material for water.

What is alkaline water?

Alkaline has been in use for long time in agriculture, Simply it means the water is less acidic or has high potential of hydrogen (ph).

Water is the most important substance for our body and when water is alkalized it will contain calcium, silica, potassium, bicarbonate and magnesium. 

The only fact we know is that alkaline water has higher ph, ph level in water is around 7 while its higher for alkalized water.

The question is do we need high ph level in our water and does it benefit our health increasing the level of ph in our body.

What is clear is alkaline reduces acidity and this is why it is used in agriculture however acid is is available in our stomach and it’s needed for food digestion and it’s not healthy to get rid of the acid in your stomach, healthy level of acid is essential for our health. 

Our body gets its acid from food. Wine, cheese, egg, coke, coffee, beer, tea, fish, meat and soy milk are some of the foods that are high in acidity, while apples, oranges, olive oil, banana, almonds and raw spinach are alkaline forming food.

Our body is able to manage acidity level and interfering with it by taking supplements may produce results our body is not able to handle, it’s also known that different organ requires different level of acidity.

Disrupting your body ph level may lead to metabolic Alkalosis, which may cause vomiting, nausea, hand tremors, muscle twitching, and tingling in some part of the face, hand or even feet.

Remember healthy ph level is 7.35-7.45, recent study indicate that magnesium can lower acid level in our body and it’s available naturally in some foods we consume.

Some water filtering devices do more than alkalizing and if you have problems with your kidney you need know what goes in the water that comes out from the filter.

When i visited health show a South Korean company manufacturing water filters that also alkalize the water and add oxygen to it recommend its product to people “weak in alkaline”  and people “eat harmful foods, drink too much alcohol”.

It’s true that alcohol raises acidity, however as I mentioned earlier acidity can be adjusted by taking food that contains magnesium.

As I mentioned benefits stated from drinking alkaline water has not been backed by independent and proper studies, this also does not say it has no benefits but it’s clear it does not cure any disease.

Good read:

Is alkaline water better for health than tap water?

Seven Reasons Why Alkaline Water Is Basically A Waste Of Money

Does alkaline water live up to the hype?

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