Instant weight loss with injectables

Last Updated on by Sophie

Instant weight loss with injectables

Obesity is a major health issue and everybody is trying to find a solution for it that is quick and effective, nutritionist looking for food that can burn fat fast.

Fitness specialist working hard trying to find the move that not only burn body fat but build muscle and tone your body.

Scientist too, doing research here and there trying to find a drug that will make it easy and quick to lose weight as it’s easy in gaining it.

Instant weight loss products are in demand and customers are ready to pay for it and not to go through daily meal planning and exercise.

As some effective and instant skin treatments are done using injectable drugs such as Botox the same option is available for losing weight, is it effective and instant?

Injectable drugs for losing weight:

Vitamin B-12

High dosage of vitamin B-12 may boost metabolism which the speed our body convert fat to energy, this claim has not been supported by research.

Vitamin B-12 is the same vitamin we get from eating dairy products, meat and fish, B-12 is important for neurological functions and for forming of red cells. Daily intake of vitamin B-12 is set to 1000 micrograms by world health organization and this amount is enough to boost energy for 24 hours.

Vitamin B-12 is used to strengthen our immune system, relief stress, insomnia and stress.

The HCG diet

HCG is a hormone produced by women body during pregnancy, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) breaks down fat from abdominal and pass it to the baby to use it for energy production and since 1950 doctors and researches has been experimenting with HCG as a quick option for losing weight.

Using HCG for weight loss is very controversial and it’s part of a diet program that takes eight weeks to complete that promises losing total of 4 pounds (1.8 Kg) per month. According several reports online HCG hormone helps with satiety and energy while on low diet.

With HCG diet you are allowed to consume food that provide only 500 calories per day. Doctors belief that it’s not the HCG hormone that is contributing to weight lose it’s the low calorie diet that will work even without HCG or any other weight loss supplement and this is why it’s controversial.

It has been said that with HCG you will lose fat only without affecting the muscle while with other diets fat and muscle are lost, however this claim has no scientific back up.

HCG hormone also available in liquid and spray, FDA has approved usage of HCG for infertility treatment and not for weight loss, even though HCG is available online you need to be careful and not rush in using it to solve your obesity problem and according to FDA, there is not substantial prove supporting HCG effectiveness for weight loss.


This injectable drug is approved by FDA for weight loss, Liraglutide is a drug used to manage type 2 diabetes and it’s effective in reducing glucose level in the blood.

Liraglutide is not available over the counter and it’s prescribed to patient clinically diagnosed with obesity, still this is not a quick fix for obesity and it may take 20 weeks to lose around 8 kilograms.

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