Increase Your Body Fat Burning Rate

Last Updated on by Sophie

Increase Your Body Fat Burning Rate

How fast your body burn calorie is the key to how fast you can lose or gain weight.

Metabolic rate is the rate at which our bodies burn up calorie, if you consume 2500 calories a day and burns up all of them. This means you will maintain your weight.

If you burn only 2000 calories then you will gain-weight at the rate of 1 pound a week according to medical studies.

As we grow older our metabolic rate slows down, that is why it’s easy to put on weight as we age.

Studies have shown that it is slightly difficult for men in their forties to lose-weight.

However, you can increase your metabolism rate through exercise and use of herbal-supplements known as Thermogenic enhancers, such as Guarana which is used by Guarani’s tribe in south America to increase stamina and endurance it is also used in many herbal weight-loss products for its ability to help our body burn-fat faster.

Seaweed known as Kelp and which is widely used by Japanese and Koreans is another herb that can help you lose- weight faster.

Mustard seed is another herb you can use to increase your body fat-burning rate, it tastes better than seaweed and easily can be used as spread for sandwiches or as salad dressing by mixing it with olive oil and its available in every supermarket.

Cayenne pepper known as capsicum can help in increasing your metabolic rate, and can be used in many different ways cooked or raw.

It’s also effective for lowering blood cholesterol and prevents the rise of cholesterol that is usually follows by eating food high in cholesterol.

Sleeping well and simple daily exercise like walking at night is very effective in helping our body lose-weight by increasing metabolism rate.

For Thermogenic enhancers to work it’s important that you take them 30 minutes before food and should not be taken in late afternoon as it will make it difficult for you to sleep.

If you are trying to stop smoking, thermogenic supplements can prevent weight-gain since nicotine itself is a mild thermogenic agent. As we know when smoking is stopped weight-gain follows due to increase in appetite.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or health care provider. We encourage you to discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have. All

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