Effective Acoustic Wave Therapy For Cellulite

Last Updated on by Sophie

Acoustic Wave Therapy is one of many treatment methods available for cellulite, massage, different type of creams and acoustic waves.

Women’s are bothered by cellulite and some will do anything to make it disappear, cellulite is not a health problem if you are ready to live with it, its cosmetic problem and can cause a lot of harm to oneself-image.

I tried different type of supplements, creams and lotions without noticing any change, since majority of women affected by cellulite usually after puberty the market is huge for products promising a fix for this problem.

Expensive devices has been developed to treat cellulite and get rid of it, latest technology is extracorporeal shock wave therapy, the  technology is not new however using it for treating cellulite is new.

Extracorporeal shock wave also known as acoustic wave therapy (AWT) is in the use for medical purposes for more than thirty years, initially to break down kidney stones to small  particles, and since 1990 to treat orthopaedic conditions and muscle disorder.  

The machine is not cheap and at least eight session is needed to see results and each session cost starts from 1500 Dirhams.

Cellulite appears mostly on tummy, thighs, arms and buttocks when the fibrous tissues that connects the skin to the muscles becomes hard pushing fat cells in between to bulge up causing the skin to be dimpled.

Cellulite affects mostly women because naturally women have more fat deposits below the skin than men, some believe it’s linked to stress and inactive lifestyle, however there is no study that can has linked stress to cellulite. In general exercise and healthy diet can help reduce the effect of cellulite.

Cellulite treatment through acoustic wave therapy uses waves to loosen or soften the fibrous tissue  and stimulate blood circulation around these tissues.

The shock waves helps also to reduce the size of fat cell which in return affect how skin looks.

All this is done in eight or more sessions (3-4 days apart) depending on your cellulite condition, the procedure is quick and painless.

After each session you can resume your activity and no rest in bed is required.  

The disadvantage is that acoustic wave therapy (AWT) is not cheap and the result is not permanent.

Most dermatologist agree that the exact cause of cellulite is not known, and that is why there is not effective treatment for it or to get rid of it.

Different technologies available for treating cellulite however the end result is not proven or not significant as it says.

Since its all about the fat under the skin, eating healthy to prevent weight gain will help and keep you cellulite free.

Once the fat builds up it takes time and cost money to remove it.

No single treatment is available for cellulite, Lipomassage or endermologie is another device designed to help reduce the effect of cellulite.

Radiofrequency and ultrasound technology might help with cellulite too, its mainly used to reduce the size of thighs.

If you are having cellulite your options are to live with it or try any treatment available in the market.

What you need to know is that most of the creams and technologies available designed to reduce the effect of cellulite and not to remove it totally and the result is not permanent.

Read more about cellulite

1- http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cellulite/DS00891

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