10 Weight Loss Questions and Answers

Last Updated on by Sophie

10 Weight Loss Questions and Answers

1-How do I know I need to lose weight?

Body mass index, widely known as BMI is the tool to monitor your weight and can be calculated using the following formula: weight (kg) / height (m)2 the easiest way is to use BMI calculator that is available on the internet. BMI is a tool to show that your weight falls in which range, healthy or not. BMI is not a tool to diagnose your health; this should be done by doctors. According to BMI standard your weight should fall into one of bellow categories:

• Underweight = <18.5

• Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

• Overweight = 25-29.9

• Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

2- Do I have to lose weight or I should I accept it and live with it?

You can live with obesity but it won’t be easy, your weight will increase and with it your life style will change. Maintaining yourself and your health with obesity won’t be cheap financially and emotionally it will be a struggle. With obesity you will invite diabetes and cardiovascular disease; if you choose to live with being overweight I’m sure you can opt for a healthier option and that is to slim down and enjoy a happy life.

3- Is it difficult to lose weight?

Losing weight is a personal challenge and we are not good at challenging our self. We need to tweak your eating habit and discipline yourself and this is the difficult part of slimming down. However losing weight is not difficult and you can find many success stories on the internet for people managed to lose weight. Recently I can across a story for a Singaporean who successfully lost 60 pounds in six months and I say if they can do it so you and me.

4-What is diet program or plan?

It is a plan that you put for yourself for what to eat in order to lose weight. Different types of diet plan available and many books written about diet and dieting, you can also put on your own plan based on your body need and lifestyle, to make it work you should be patient and make it your long-term goal.

5- What makes me succeed in losing weight?

Simply the answer is persistence and commitment with a diet program that fit your lifestyle and address you body nutritional needs. You can buy best diet program but sticking to the plan is crucial otherwise nothing will change, it depends also on what is your goal for losing weight, studies has shown that when people decide to slim down to improve their health they succeed while those who choose to do it to improve their look and body shape may not.

6- What I will gain by losing weight?

You will gain health.

7- Can I lose weight with only suppressing my appetite?

Losing weight is more than suppressing appetite, we need energy to continue with our daily activities and it is not about not eating, we should eat but what our body need.

8-On average how many ponds I should expect to lose per week?

You can lose at least 1 to 2 pounds per week and more than that if you are ready to exercise at least three times a week. It depends on how much efforts you are ready to put in.

9- Can I lose weight without exercise?

You can slim down without exercise but if your goal is improving your health then you need to exercise. You should bear in mind aging, with fitness you can slow down the process of aging even when you get old. With exercise you will speed up weight loss process specially if you are in your forties or obese.

10- How to maintain a healthy weight?

Maintaining your weight is easy, all you need is to eat balanced healthy food and exercise at least three times a week. Since it is difficult to control our ting habit sometimes, exercise will help burning excess fat and maintain our weight.

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