Slimming Medication

Last Updated on by Sophie

Slimming Medication

Slimming pills is what we will look for when we think of losing weight, it is attractive, easy to use and most importantly taking slimming pill does not require any habitual change.

Simply slimming pills are drugs that work on manipulating our system, for example sibutramine (Meridia) is known for supressing appetite and orlistat helps with reducing the amount of fat your body absorbs when you consume food.

Using drugs for weight-loss is not new, people has been using drugs for losing weight since 1960 with success but some of these drugs has been removed from the market due to serious side effects and new drugs has been developed and in use today.

Obesity is a serious health problem and one solution might not work for all of us. Obesity is complex and we need different solutions to deal with it.

Exercise is the best way to lose weight but it is not the best solution for all of us. When you are obese with health complications exercise might not be an option.

We all know what causes obesity, its overeating but we find it difficult to control our appetite, drugs can manipulate our system and make us feel full.

Weight loss drugs are effective but the side effect is serious and some of these drugs have been removed from the market due to the side effect. We all want to lose weight but without getting into another health problem.

Slimming pills must be prescribed and you will put your health at risk if you take this matter into your hands.

It is important to know some of these drugs might be addictive and long term usage is not advised, it is recommended for three months only.

Slimming pills recommended for obese only with health complications and losing weight is critical for their health when all other options did not help to bring their body weight down.

With internet it is not difficult to find any drug and the responsibility falls on you to make sure you are not endangering your life by using banned drugs.

Health authorities in some countries provide useful information about drugs available in the market. Health Canada is a useful website for information about health products, Health Science Authority in Singapore another resourceful website.

In December 2012 FDA issued public warning about SLIMDIA Revolution Weight-Loss Dietary Supplement, contains sibutramine, a controlled substance that was removed from the market in October 2010 for safety reasons.

Do your research about slimming products you are interested in using, I’m sure if the product is established in the market you will find positive reviews or feedback’s.

Obesity is increasing so are the products that promise how to fix it, it is your responsibility to educate yourself about the product before using it.