Horny Goat Weed for Erectile Dysfunction

Last Updated on by Sophie

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to maintain an erection to achieve sexual intercourse and here is what you can do about it.

Its known that erection is maintained  by blood flow to the penis that keeps it engorged and poor blood circulation is the main cause for erectile dysfunction and this is agreed on in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western medicine.

Stress, depression and anxiety can affect sexual health, poor psychological health leads to weak erection, aging, diabetes and high blood pressure, obesity, heart problem and high cholesterol are also major contributing factor to ED.

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Some medical journals has pointed to prolonged cycling may cause erectile dysfunction, however there is no prove.

Testosterone deficiency, low testosterone leads to weight gain, high cholesterol, low libido and erectile dysfunction.

Testosterone supplement is available and laboratory testing is required to diagnose your case and the doses needed to bring back your testosterone to normal level.

As men grow old testosterone level will decrease, and after the age of 50 the decline is faster, however age will not affect your testosterone hormone like chronic illness or obesity.

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Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are most commonly used medicine to treat ED in western medicine, in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) horny goat weed is known to be effective too.

Horny goat weed has sweet acid taste, and is used in Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) to treat erectile dysfunction.

In TCM, its believed that kidney is responsible for reproduction and can affect fertility, while liver is for storing blood and blood circulation and horny goat weed is good for both liver and kidney.

In TCM stress is a bad thing and affects our health, and since stress affects the liver blood circulation will be affected and this will cause erectile dysfunction.

Horny goat weed is prescribed in China as alternative to Viagra for men with impotence problems and according TCM practitioners only 15 grams of horny goat weed should be consumed per day.

Horny goat weed is grown in the wild and known “yinyanghuo” in Chinese, and its sold as dried leaves in Chinese medical shops, during a visit to Malaysia i bought 40 g from Chinese medical shop and they told me i can add 15 g of the leaves to clear mutton soup with some ginger, spring onion and Chinese five spice powder.

Horny goat weed was used on male rats by Chinese scientist in Shantou university and it has shown being effective in improving circulation level of testosterone.

Horny goat weed contains icariin which helps suppressing cell death in the penile muscles.

There is no known side effects for taking horny goat weed if consumed in moderation, if you are on medication its highly recommend seeking professional advice, because it may interact badly with your medication and put your health at risk.

Horny goat weed is considered warm herb and should not be used by people having dry mouth, red tongue and quick pulse as these sign that body heat is high and horny goat weed will increase it further.

Horny goat weed and pregnancy

Pregnant and breastfeeding women advised not to use horny goat weed even moderation to avoid any health damage to fetus and babies.

Horny goat weed and high blood pressure

Treating erectile dysfunction requires more than supplements available in the market and knowing the exact cause is important to get proper treatment.

Lose weight for better sexual life

Losing weight will help improve your condition, its know that belly fat can cause some health problem and reducing your belly size by little will improve your health.

Sexual Enhancement Products for Sale Online: Raising Awareness of the Psychoactive Effects of Yohimbine, Maca, Horny Goat Weed, and Ginkgo biloba

Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium)

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