Herbalife Ultimate Diet Plan

Last Updated on by Sophie

Probably the best weight loss program in UAE

Weight loss program that comes with meal replacement, fat burner and appetite control supplement. With Ultimate program you will be able to curb your appetite for sweets with Snack Defense.

What is included in Shapeworks diet program?

Shapeworks Ultimate program is set of 8 products:

1 Formula1 Nutritional Shake a low calories meal replacement.

2 Formula2 Multivitamin complex.

3 Formula3 Cell Activator.

4 Cell U Loss

5 Total Control

6 Herbal Tea Concentrate.

7 Aminogen.

8 Snack Defense.

How to lose weight with Shapeworks Ultimate program?

Understand energy balance in order to manage your body weight, this video explains it and provide useful tips.

what you need to do is simple:

First replace two daily meal with Formula1 Nutritional Shake meal replacement and take weight-loss enhancers (tablets or in powder) .

Mixing and using Formula1 meal replacement is easy, you may use water or milk, with milk you will have extra protein in your shake and this helps with satiety. I personally prefer it with water

and chia seed for extra fiber which will help also with  hunger control.

You add any thing you like to your shake, just make sure the calories does not go up too much.

Portion of food we eat daily has increased and studies show that when you put more food on your plate you will tend to eat more Effects of portion size on chronic energy intake.

Large portions may contribute to weight gain. What you are trying to achieve with Ultimate wight-loss program is control your food intake, instead of large portion of restaurant food take Formula1 meal replacement.

Read product review to know how customers lost weight with Ultimate program.