Chemical Peel Facial Treatment

Last Updated on by Sophie

Chemical Peel Facial Treatment

Chemical peel is a method for removing the superficial layer of the skin. One or more peeling chemicals are applied to the skin resulting in destruction of superficial part of the skin.

This allows a new layer of skin lining to develop, this procedure allows the removal of superficial lining of the skin, it may also help in removing black or white heads of pimples, superficial scars and superficial benign skin growth.

Types of Chemical Peels

1- Glycolic Acid Peel (AHA peel).
2- Trichloroacetic Acid Peel (TCA peel)
3- Jessner’s Peel.

What is Glycolic Acid Peel?

Glycolic acid is a group of naturally occurring substances often called ‘fruit acids’, when applied to the skin it destroys the ‘glue’ that holds dead cells on the surface of the skin. This allows the dead cells to slough off leaving behind a smoother skin surface.

A high concentration of glycolic acid remove the upper layer of the skin – called the epidermis- exposing the lower layer of undamaged skin. It is generally used for mild skin scars and comedones.

TCA and Jessner’s Peels.

These are chemicals with high toxicity than glycolic acids. these peel cause the destruction to the deeper layer of the skin, thus permitting the underlying new skin to resurface. It is generally used for treating deeper scars and skin growth.

What are the medical indications of chemical peel treatment.

1- minimize fine and coarse skin lines which resulted from sun damage (chronic sun exposure).
2- Treatment of acne (pimples) especially those with blackheads and whiteheads.
3- Mild or superficial acne scars.
4- Some pigmentary disorder.

What should i expect during and after a chemical peel?

When the chemical peel agent is applied to the skin you may feel a burning sensation for a short time. If TCA and Jessner’s peels are applied on the skin the skin will turn white and then pink.

For AHA peels there maybe a transient pink discoloration which quickly returns to normal color. Occasionally very slight flaking in a few localised areas are seen for 1-2 days. Do not expect the skin to really peel.

For TCA and Jessner’s peels, the skin may turn brown, dry and flaky for few days. You can have chemical peels done as an outpatient. For AHA peels you can return to work after the procedure immediately.

What i must do after chemical peel?

1- Wash your face as normal but use a gentle cleanser.
2- You may require to use moisturizing cream as prescribed by your dermatologist.
3-  Avoid applying any skin medication or glycolic acid product before healing of the skin is complete.
4- Avoid sun exposure. Use sunblock beginning of the day after you have done the peel.
5- Do not peel, prick, scratch the skin at any time.

How many chemical peel session is needed?

To get desired results 2-4 peeling sessions are required in 2-4 weeks intervals.

What are the complications of chemical peel.

1- Scars.
2- Persistent areas of increased or decreased pigmentation.
3- Allergic reactions to medications are seen as persistent, itchy and painful rash.
4-For AHA peels crusted scabies may be seen if not treated appropriately. this could    become infected and possibly lead to a scar.
5- see your doctor if blisters appear.
6- Skin infection and this can be detected when painful red areas appear often with scabs.
7- Persistent pain after peel session. This maybe reactivation of cold sores, in this case seek medical advice.
8- The skin should look and feel completely normal within 3-4 days (for AHA peels). If not it is recommended contacting your doctor.

All above mentioned complications are rare, however treatment is important to prevent scars.