Appetite Suppressant: What you need to know

Last Updated on by Sophie

Appetite Suppressant: What you need to know

The rise of obesity has lead some doctors to believe that obesity is a chronic disease and should be treated with medication like how diabetes is treated for example.

Most drugs available for weight-loss work as appetite suppressants by releasing some chemical to the brain to make you feel full or not hungry, in other words they are stimulants.

Sibutramine which is main ingredient in weight loss pills has shown good results during trial and was approved by FDA, but when it was introduced to the market it was banned in many countries. In United Kingdom, there were 215 reports of 411 adverse reactions of which 95 were serious between 1998 and 2001.

Losing weight through appetite suppressant is quick but not a permanent fix, once you stop taking the diet drug you will gain weight again, and taking the drug for long time is not advisable as it has side effects.

Weight loss is not about suppressing your appetite only. It is part of the process for some time, we need to eat to survive and enjoy life.

Losing weight through appetite suppressant drugs is popular simply because it is effective and easy to use.

It is important to know that these drugs work only for as long as you take them, but most of these drugs are approved for short term use only -not longer than three months- the side effect from using these drugs for long time is serious on your health.

In some cases the recommended dosage does not work because of body tolerance to the drug and this lead to increasing the dosage and so on, by upping the dosage you create dependency on the drug and this is what you don’t want to get in to.

If you are thinking of using weight-loss drugs for longer than three months or to start with it is important you seek medical advice and not just buying and using them.

Some doctors believe that obesity is chronic disease and must be treated with long term medications, while others think it is not.

All appetite suppressants are noradrenergic drugs, which mean they work by releasing two chemicals, norepinephrine and epinephrine, these chemicals makes you feel full or less hungry.

This is like allowing someone else to stop you from eating simply because you can’t resist hunger.

Educate yourself about the slimming- drug you are interested in using, find out what is the ingredient used and is it approved by health authorities or not, simply if you are not obese and your BMI reading is below 35 you don’t need any diet drug.

Diet drugs considered stimulants and taking stimulants without proper guidance may lead to addiction and serious health problems.

Remember you are losing weight to improve your health so do not lose weight and health by buying products that offer quick fix.

The problem with taking diet drugs is abuse.