BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator Dubai

The benefits of maintaining a healthy weight go far beyond improved energy and smaller clothing sizes.

By losing weight or maintaining a healthy weight, you are also likely to enjoy these quality-of-life factors too.

  • Fewer joint and muscle pains.
  • Greater ability to join in desired activities.
  • Better regulation of bodily fluids and blood pressure.
  • Reduced burden on your heart and circulatory system.
  • Better sleep patterns.
  • More effective metabolism of sugars and carbohydrates.
  • Reduced risk for heart disease and certain cancers.

Your BMI is a good indicator of whether you’re at a healthy or unhealthy weight.

Find your BMI and what it means with our handy BMI Calculator.

  • BMI stands for Body Mass Index

    This is a numerical value of your weight in relation to your height. BMIs are good indicators of healthy or unhealthy weights for adult men and women, regardless of body frame size. A BMI of less than 25 indicates a healthy weight. A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight. A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. A BMI of 30 or higher indicates obesity.

  • Excess weight increases the heart’s work.

    It also raises blood pressure and blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and lowers HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It can make diabetes more likely to develop, too. Losing as few as 10 pounds can lower your heart disease risk.

Dubai Herbal BMI Calculator


Total Daily Energy Expenditure












Workout Calories


Rest Calories



Before using the data obtained using this calculator, please consult with doctor.